
Huhuatanga Principle

(Spirit of Service Excellence)

Celebrates and confirms the importance of delivering quality services that respect and value our customers. The principle of Huhuatanga is given expression in the integrity of the staff of Tuwharetoa Health Charitable Trust to be a motivated, committed, involved workforce who are accountable for their own performance and understand the importance of their contribution to the organisation and its subsequent performance.

Whanaungatanga Principle

(Spirit of Family)

Celebrates and confirms the complex interconnected nature of relationships between descendants of Ngatoroirangi as expressed in the peoples of Ngati Tuwharetoa descent.

Manaakitanga Principle

(Spirit of Support)

Celebrates and confirms the inter-connected nature of Tangata whenua o te rohe and Manuhiri o nga hau e wha.  This principle of Manaakitanga is given expression in the care and respect we afford and impart to all manuhiri; be they staff, visitors, clients.

Huhuatanga Principle

(Spirit of Service Excellence)

Celebrates and confirms the importance of delivering quality services that respect and value our customers. The principle of Huhuatanga is given expression in the integrity of the staff of Tuwharetoa Health Charitable Trust to be a motivated, committed, involved workforce who are accountable for their own performance and understand the importance of their contribution to the organisation and its subsequent performance.

Whanaungatanga Principle

(Spirit of Family)

Celebrates and confirms the complex interconnected nature of relationships between descendants of Ngatoroirangi as expressed in the peoples of Ngati Tuwharetoa descent.

Manaakitanga Principle

(Spirit of Support)

Celebrates and confirms the inter-connected nature of Tangata whenua o te rohe and Manuhiri o nga hau e wha.  This principle of Manaakitanga is given expression in the care and respect we afford and impart to all manuhiri; be they staff, visitors, clients.

Our Mission

To know our clients’ needs
To provide a range of quality services
To respect and value our clients and staff

What do we do

We deliver free health and social services for whanau and individuals across the age range

Our services include Tamariki Ora Wellchild Nursing, Family Start, Maori Disability Support, Whanau Ora Navigators, Long-Term Conditions Nursing and Home-Based Support Services.  Most of our services can be accessed through self-referral just by coming to see us at one of our offices, while others may have specific criteria for entry.  If you have any questions just come in to see us at one of our offices, or give us a call on
(07) 384 2882

We look forward to supporting you and your whanau to improve your health.

The vision of Ngati Tuwharetoa for the health of its people is Tino Rangatiratanga. Health is a taonga and is embodied in Tino Rangatiratanga.

Thank You

We will be in touch soon
we are here to help

If you do not hear from us in a suitable time frame please contact us via one of the phone numbers below

Thank You

Our Services

Whanau Engagement Services

Services to engage with whanau and connecting them with the support needed, as well as services helping whanau to stay independent and well in their home for as long as possible.  These services can work together in a complimentary way to provide a wrap-around package of support that can engage positively with whanau and help them to link into other community providers

Whanau Pepi & Tamariki Services

Services to support whanau with pepi and tamariki. Services to connect whanau with the support they need. These services can work together in a complimentary way to provide a wrap-around package of support that can help whanau with pepi and/or tamariki in a number of ways.

Turangi Office

Community Health Centre,
28 Te Rangitautahanga Road,
PO Box 326,

    07 384 2882

   0800 WHARIKI (0800 942 7454 )

   07 384 7550


8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday

Taupo Office

80 Tuwharetoa Street

   0800 WHARIKI


8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday

Awhi House

4 Hingaia Street,


9.00am – 3.00pm
Monday to Friday