
What do you do in your role?

I am the Breast & Cervical Screening Kaitiaki. In my Role I support Women aged 45 – 69 for Breast Screening and ages 25 – 69 for Cervical Screening. I provide up to date information on where they can go get screened and encourage them to also make self-appointments at their Local GP. I also mention, should they need to, I am also available to come and support them at their appointment. For any questions whanau may have that I am unable to answer, I am able to refer them to someone who can and other services that may benefit them.

What do you like about your role?

I love that I am able to help and support women on a subject that can be very daunting to some and being able to support them to overcome their fear from past experiences.

How long have you been with Tuwharetoa Health?

I have been with Tuwharetoa Health for just over 2 months.

What made you choose to work in hauora?

I have always had a Passion to help people from all cultures. It was Through that passion that I chose to work in Hauora (Wellbeing).

Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina