
What do you do in your role?

I am a Health Coach and in my role I tautoko individuals or whanau that have ongoing health challenges, moderate mental health issues or complex needs. Making sure that whanau have the knowledge and tools they need to help with any health issues they have going on.  I can visit whanau in their homes, or whanau can come into our hub which ever whanau desire. Most of all our service is free.

What do you like about your role?

Meeting new whanau but also seeing our whanau make changes that lead to a better version of themselves is very rewarding and it brings a lot of joy.

How long have you been with Tuwharetoa Health?

Started with Tuwharetoa Health on the 08/04/24.

What made you choose to work in hauora?

Hauora has been big part of my life. When I heard Tuwharetoa Health was recruiting for Health Coach I applied with a holistic approach and said to myself “if I got this job, then it was meant to be, if I didn’t get it then it wasn’t meant to be” however wanting to see our whanau strive within our hāpori is a big part of why I chose to work in Hauora.

Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina