What do you do in your role at Tuwharetoa health
My role is Te Ara Kairangi Kaiawhina I help facilitate and create Wananga within our Rohe. Additionally, I support our Te Ara Kairangi Tiaki Kaimahi as needed
What do you like most about your role
I love my role as it allows me to build beautiful relationships and find creative solutions to make a real difference to uplift and enhance our whanau. As I observe how each kiritaki comes into our service I take great joy in watching their growth an as they come to the end of the programme being a part of their journeys is rewarding to say the least
How long have you been with Tuwharetoa health
I have been with Tuwharetoa Health for 5 months; I have learnt so much in my short but meaningful time here I look forward to applying what I have learnt i am super excited to see what more I can do to help support our whanau to wellness
What made you choose to work in Hauora
Helping our community has always been a passion of mine I feel i have the skills and experience to do the mahi to the best of my ability and achieve our kiritaki aims for their Hauora.
I cannot express it enough that of the vision statement Tuwharetoa health is guided by “To improve the health of all who reside in the Rohe of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.”