
Whanau Engagement Services

“To improve the health of all who reside in the rohe of Ngati Tuwharetoa”
Contact UsOur Services

Breast & Cervical Screening Support Service

A free service increasing the number of women who get screened for breast cancer who are between 45 to 69 years of age or any age where there is a history of breast cancer within the whanau.   Also, a free service increasing the number of women who get screened for cervical cancer who are between 20 to 69 years of age or any age where there is a history of cervical cancer within the whanau.

Useful Links:
Breast Screening

Whanau Ora Navigation Service – Tiwhana

Whanau are supported by tiwhana (navigators) across a broad range of focus areas such as health, education, employment, housing and social services. Goals and aspirations are identified by the whanau and tiwhana provide assistance to achieve those goals.

The delivery of Whanau Ora services is a partnership between Tuwharetoa Health and Te Korowai Roopu Tautoko.

Maori Disability Support Service

A support and advocacy service for whanau with disability needs.  Focus areas include – providing up to date and accurate information, sourcing appropriate equipment, supporting whanau to access support systems and making sure that whanau are accessing all of their entitlements.  Although the focus is on those with disabilities a whanau approach is implemented so that whanau solutions can be identified and put in place.

Useful Links:
Mobility Parking
Health & Disability Commissioner

Breast & Cervical Screening Support Service

A free service increasing the number of women who get screened for breast cancer who are between 45 to 69 years of age or any age where there is a history of breast cancer within the whanau.   Also, a free service increasing the number of women who get screened for cervical cancer who are between 20 to 69 years of age or any age where there is a history of cervical cancer within the whanau.

Useful Links:
Breast Screening

Whanau Ora Navigation Service – Tiwhana

Whanau are supported by tiwhana (navigators) across a broad range of focus areas such as health, education, employment, housing and social services. Goals and aspirations are identified by the whanau and tiwhana provide assistance to achieve those goals.

The delivery of Whanau Ora services is a partnership between Tuwharetoa Health and Te Korowai Roopu Tautoko.

Maori Disability Support Service

A support and advocacy service for whanau with disability needs.  Focus areas include – providing up to date and accurate information, sourcing appropriate equipment, supporting whanau to access support systems and making sure that whanau are accessing all of their entitlements.  Although the focus is on those with disabilities a whanau approach is implemented so that whanau solutions can be identified and put in place.

Useful Links:
Mobility Parking
Health & Disability Commissioner

Home Based Support Services

Work with clients who are assessed as requiring support in their own home with personal care such as showering or dressing, and/or home help including shopping, food preparation and cleaning.

Useful Links:
Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Services

Kaumatua Day Programmes

A day programme for Kaumatua in Taupo and Turangi, that includes a number of activities such as Tai Chi, Line Dancing, Upright Exercises, Swimming, Gentle Exercises and Crafts. The objective of the program is socializing and interacting with each other. Access to the program is through a NASC assessment which can be actioned by our Coordinator on an internal or external referral.
Long-Term Conditions Nursing Service
Our nurses support people with long-term conditions such as diabetes, heart and respiratory conditions, to take a more active role in the management of their illness. We will provide you and your whanau with information and skills to give you the confidence to self-manage your condition well. Your input into the partnership can have a huge bearing on the success of your healthcare and thus the quality of your life.
Te Aka Matua Health Service
Our kaiwhakahaere works with whanau to identify goals and support whanau to manage their health, to help to prevent repeat admissions to hospital. We will provide you and your whanau with the information and support to maintain your health in partnership with you and others involved in your care such as Long-term conditions nurses, your doctor and others. Our kaiwhakahaere is also able to give cultural support to you and your whanau if you are admitted into the hospital.
Home Based Support Services

Work with clients who are assessed as requiring support in their own home with personal care such as showering or dressing, and/ or home help such as shopping, food preparation and cleaning.

Useful Links:
Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Services

Kaumatua Day Programmes

A day programme for Kaumatua in Taupo and Turangi, that includes a number of activities such as Tai Chi, Line Dancing, Upright Exercises, Swimming, Gentle Exercises and Crafts. The objective of the program is socializing and interacting with each other. Access to the program is through a NASC assessment which can be actioned by our Coordinator on an internal or external referral.
Long-Term Conditions Nursing Service
Our nurses support people with long-term conditions such as diabetes, heart and respiratory conditions, to take a more active role in the management of their illness. We will provide you and your whanau with information and skills to give you the confidence to self-manage your condition well. Your input into the partnership can have a huge bearing on the success of your healthcare and thus the quality of your life.

Te Aka Matua Health Service

Our kaiwhakahaere works with whanau to identify goals and support whanau to manage their health, to help to prevent repeat admissions to hospital. We will provide you and your whanau with the information and support to maintain your health in partnership with you and others involved in your care such as Long-term conditions nurses, your doctor and others. Our kaiwhakahaere is also able to give cultural support to you and your whanau if you are admitted into the hospital.

Let us walk you through how

Tuwharetoa Health
Can Help You

Turangi Office

Community Health Centre,
28 Te Rangitautahanga Road,
PO Box 326,

    07 384 2882

   0800 WHARIKI (0800 942 7454 )

   07 384 7550


8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday

Taupo Office

80 Tuwharetoa Street

   0800 WHARIKI


8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday

Awhi House

4 Hingaia Street,


9.00am – 3.00pm
Monday to Friday