
Whanau Pepi & Tamariki Services

“To improve the health of all who reside in the rohe of Ngati Tuwharetoa”
Contact UsOur Services

Awhi House Turangi – Maternal Health Services Hub

Awhi House is the baby of Awhi Midwives that has been raised and nurtured by Tuwharetoa Health. It is a Maternal and Child Health Hub for the Turangi community. The services available from Awhi House include midwifery, ante natal clinics, Women’s sexual health clinic, new born hearing screening, Well Child/Tamariki Ora Services, outreach immunisations, breastfeeding support, HIPPY programme, as well as links to a range of other community services. Awhi House co-ordinators hold regular parenting and caregiver support groups, pepi play sessions, info sessions designed to empower families and is open Monday to Friday 9am-3pm. Your one stop for Maternal and Child Health information.

Useful Links:
Find Your Midwife
Awhi Midwives
Anamata Cafe

Parenting & Lactation

Working alongside our Tamariki Ora team in Taupo is our Parentcraft and Lactation consultant, providing parentcraft and parenting advice to all new parents.  Breastfeeding support and lactation advice are available to all mothers. Our consultant will visit you in your home or at a venue that suits you.

Useful Links:

Tamariki Ora –
Wellchild Nurses

The aim of this service is to provide support to mothers following childbirth and up until your pepi is five years old. Our nurses will visit your home and complete child health checks and work to make sure you are well supported with information and education about your child’s health and development.

Useful Links:

Turangi Preschool and School Nurse

A rapid response service for sore throats and skin conditions based once a week in Turangi schools.  The registered nurse works closely with the schools, families, public health nurses and GP’s to ensure treatment and follow-up for children who access the service within the schools.  Schools presently covered are Te Kura o Hirangi, Tongariro Area School and Kuratau schools. The registered nurse also visits with all ECE’s and Kohanga Reo facilities in the Turangi rohe.


Useful Links:
Kuratau School
Te Kura o Hirangi
Tongariro School
Central Kids Turangi
Beststart Turangi Kindy


Family Start

Family Start, funded by Oranga Tamariki, is a free home visiting programme that focuses on improving children’s growth and health, learning and relationships, family circumstance, environment and safety. We deliver Family Start services to the wider Taupo district including Turangi and Mangakino.

Useful Links:
Parenting Resource


Awhi House Turangi – Maternal Health Services Hub

Working in collaboration with Awhi Midwives, Awhi House is located at 17 Paekiri Street in Turangi. It is a drop-in centre for new parents. Services available from the location include antenatal, labour, birth and postnatal care and support, life skills for new parents, newborn hearing screening, breastfeeding support and education, outreach immunisations, Family Start (3 days a week) as well as links to a range of other community services. Awhi House is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm.

Useful Links:
Find Your Midwife
Awhi Midwives
Anamata Cafe

Parenting & Lactation

Working alongside our Tamariki Ora team in Taupo is our Parentcraft and Lactation consultant, providing parentcraft and parenting advice to all new parents.  Breastfeeding support and lactation advice are available to all mothers. Our consultant will visit you in your home or at a venue that suits you.

Useful Links:

Tamariki Ora – Wellchild Nurses

The aim of this service is to provide support to mothers following childbirth and up until your pepi is five years old. Our nurses will visit your home and complete child health checks and work to make sure you are well supported with information and education about your child’s health and development.

Useful Links:

Turangi Preschool School Nurse Service

A rapid response service for sore throats and skin conditions based once a week in Turangi schools.  The registered nurse works closely with the schools, families, public health nurses and GP’s to ensure treatment and follow-up for children who access the service within the schools.  Schools presently covered are Te Kura o Hirangi, Tongariro Area School and Kuratau schools. The registered nurse also visits with all ECE’s and Kohanga Reo facilities in the Turangi rohe.

Useful Links:
Kuratau School
Te Kura o Hirangi
Tongariro School
Central Kids Turangi
Beststart Turangi Kindy

Family Start

Family Start, funded by Oranga Tamariki, is a free home visiting programme that focuses on improving children’s growth and health, learning and relationships, family circumstance, environment and safety. We deliver Family Start services to the wider Taupo district including Turangi and Mangakino.

Useful Links:
Parenting Resource

Thank You

We will be in touch soon
we are here to help

If you do not hear from us in a suitable time frame please contact us via one of the phone numbers below

Thank You

Turangi Office

Community Health Centre,
28 Te Rangitautahanga Road,
PO Box 326,

    07 384 2882

   0800 WHARIKI (0800 942 7454 )

   07 384 7550


8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday

Taupo Office

80 Tuwharetoa Street

   0800 WHARIKI


8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday

Awhi House

4 Hingaia Street,


9.00am – 3.00pm
Monday to Friday