
What do you do in your role?

My role as Kaiwhakahaere Matua, or CEO, is to lead an organisation made up of people who’ve come together to make an impact. My duties can be far-reaching and extensive, from deciding on a strategic direction for the organisation to maintaining awareness of what is happening in our community. I feel my most important duty is to listen.


What do you like about your role?

He tangata, he tangata, he tangata. We have truly amazing people that I get the privilege and honour of saying are my colleagues. 


How long have you been with Tuwharetoa Health?

Nearly 13 years


What made you choose to work in hauora?

Working for Tuwharetoa Health allows me the opportunity to use my skills and experience to give back to the community that helped raise me. I also have a personal commitment to try and ensure that no whanau ever has to feel the feeling of not being enough to keep a loved one here the same way I did when my older sister committed suicide in 2006. I advocate strongly for change, for better supports to be available so that our whanau are able to access the support they require when they need it, whatever that looks like for them.