What do you do in your role?
This role requires me to oversee the correct use of data and the I.T. the system here at Tuwharetoa Health.
We have multiple client-focussed databases and internal operational databases. I also perform data mining, data visualization, exploratory data analysis, statistical data analysis, machine learning, and predictive modelling. This analysis and intelligence are then used by staff and managers to populate their service reports and design their services to best meet the community’s needs.
I also oversee the entire I.T. system and I.T. team.

What do you like about your role?
I like that I am able to contribute to better health outcomes for whanau in our community. While I do not work directly with whanau my input is behind the scenes helping our kaimahi and managers improve service, reporting and data integrity.
How long have you been with Tuwharetoa Health?
I started work November 11th 2019
What made you choose to work in hauora?
Since completing my tertiary qualification I have understood that the health industry is behind with technology, and I wanted to explore how my skill could make a positive contribution to the industry. This role also enabled me to contribute directly to the community, and that is one of my passions.
I have previously worked in a variety of industries including education, I.T., telecommunication, and data – but working for Tuwharetoa Health was my first opportunity to experience the health industry.
I have always been curious and interested in kaupapa Maori. I enjoy being here and learning about Maori culture. I think I am learning more about kaupapa Maori from my work whanau than courses and classes room I have taken before. Things I love most here at Tuwharetoa Health are amazing leadership, work whanau, manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, huhuatanga.
My first role with the organisation came at a time that I was looking for work opportunities and experience. Later I was fortunate to secure a role that is more aligned to my passion, that being I.T.
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