
What do you do in your role?

My role Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina is to support mama throughout haputanga, the pepi stages, right up to school age. My role is newly established, and I look forward to meeting new mama, pepi and whanau. I’m here to offer practical support, guiding mama and whanau through every aspect of caring for their pepi and tamariki.  Walking alongside mama and whanau to navigate the services available to them. Maintaining practices in line with Tuwharetoa Health policies and emerging practices for, whanau, pepi and tamariki. Recognising, acknowledging, and supporting whanau to build on their strengths to achieve the outcome they’ve been working towards.

What do you like about your role?

Getting out in the community, making connections and being able to support whanau where I can.

How long have you been with Tuwharetoa Health?

Nearly 2 months

What made you choose to work in hauora?

I have always been interested in health and wellbeing, but I am most passionate about my iwi, the people within our community and doing my part to see our people to thrive.

Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina