Current Updates
“To improve the health of all who reside in the rohe of Ngati Tuwharetoa” Contact UsOur ServicesFamily Start Turangi | Ashleigh
What do you do in your role? I am a Family Start kaimahi. In my role I support whanau with a strength based parenting programme. This identifies needs and puts goals in place for the whanau to turn those needs into strengths. I find it such an honour being able to...
Suicide Prevention Coordinator Turangi
What do you do in your role? In my role as a Suicide Prevention Coordinator, I support whanau and individuals within the Taupō and Turangi communities who are or have been directly or indirectly affected by suicide. This role allows me provide whanau with the supports...
Health Coach at Tuwharetoa Health
What do you do in your role? I am a Health Coach at Tuwharetoa Health. I work alongside whanau to support them to gain the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to take control of their own health and wellbeing. I achieve this through motivational interviewing,...
Breast and Cervical kaitiaki
What do you do in your role? I am the Breast and Cervical kaitiaki for Tuwharetoa Health, in my role I help wahine to make appointments to either mammograms or for cervical smears if there are barriers such as times, transport, location I assist with making sure it’s...
Turangi Hub Coordinator
What do you do in your role? As the Turangi Hub Coordinator, I am the first point of contact for our whanau. I answer phone calls, emails and help to navigate whanau toward the services that are suitable to their needs. I also process our client referrals and...
Team Leader
What do you do in your role? I am the operations 2IC team leader for Tuwharetoa Health. In my role I help support the operations team manager and our administrators including our finance administrators. I continue this mahi between both the Turangi and Taupo offices...
Well Child Tamariki Ora Nurse
What do you do in your role? I am a Well Child Tamariki Ora Nurse. I walk alongside parents and pepi from birth to around 3 years of age to support, protect and improve health. I am privileged to go into whanau homes where I assess and support with growth,...
Well Child Nurse
What do you do in your role? I am a Well Child Tamariki Ora nurse. In my role I visit whanau with young pepi, provide health and development assessments as per the national Well Child Tamariki Ora framework we have here in Aotearoa. What do you like about your role? I...
Long Terms Conditions Nurse Turangi
What do you do in your role? I am a Long Terms Conditions Registered Nurse My role includes providing assessments, advice and information to help clients and their whanau better understand their condition or conditions. I assist them in managing their well-being. I...
Whanau Ora Tiwhana
What do you do in your role? I am a Whanau Ora Tiwhana. I support Whanau with their goals and aspirations, in areas such as health, education, housing, employment, improved standards of living and cultural identity. using a whanau-centred approach. Building on the...
Thank You
We will be in touch soon
we are here to help
If you do not hear from us in a suitable time frame please contact us via one of the phone numbers below
Thank You

Turangi Office
28 Te Rangitautahanga Road,
PO Box 326,
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday
Awhi House
4 Hingaia Street,
9.00am – 3.00pm
Monday to Friday