Current Updates
“To improve the health of all who reside in the rohe of Ngati Tuwharetoa” Contact UsOur ServicesCareers at THCT
Opportunities available for keen and enthusiastic individuals to join our Tuwhareota Health Team to provide a range of services in Turangi, Taupo and Mangakino
Muriel Ellison | Te Arakairangi Kaiawhina
What do you do in your role at Tuwharetoa health My role is Te Ara Kairangi Kaiawhina I help facilitate and create Wananga within our Rohe. Additionally, I support our Te Ara Kairangi Tiaki Kaimahi as needed What do you like most about your role I love my role as it...
Merryl Fisher | Whanau Engagement Manager
What do you do in your role at Tuwharetoa Health? I am a registered Nurse Manager supporting and leading the Whanau Engagement Team within Tuwharetoa Health. We are privileged to have an amazing team of people who are committed to supporting whanau across the...
Breast and Cervical Screening Kaitiaki
What do you do in your role? I am the Breast & Cervical Screening Kaitiaki. In my Role I support Women aged 45 – 69 for Breast Screening and ages 25 – 69 for Cervical Screening. I provide up to date information on where they can go get screened and encourage them...
Health Coach
What do you do in your role? I am a Health Coach and in my role I tautoko individuals or whanau that have ongoing health challenges, moderate mental health issues or complex needs. Making sure that whanau have the knowledge and tools they need to help with any health...
Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina
What do you do in your role? My role Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina is to support mama throughout haputanga, the pepi stages, right up to school age. My role is newly established, and I look forward to meeting new mama, pepi and whanau. I’m here to offer practical support,...
Miriama | Health Coach
What do you do in your role? I am a health coach at Tuwharetoa Health. My role here is to walk alongside whanau of all ages as they embark on their hauora journey. Whanau come to me with their health and wellbeing aspirations, and we work together to create a plan...
Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina
What do you do in your role? My role Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina is focusing on supporting hapu mama, pepi and tamariki (First 2000 days) to navigate resources they need so they can be a strong and healthy whanau, who are well informed about options of care, ensuring all...
Pakeke Hauora Mai Manager
What do you do in your role? I am a registered nurse supporting and leading an amazing team of people that are committed to supporting adults to remain safe and well in their homes. We offer a range of services that enable this to happen – from visiting people in...
Kellie | Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina
What do you do in your role? My position is Kahu Taurima Kaiawhina, it is a newly established role, with a focus on Hapu Mama and Pepi for their first 2000 days. My goal is to Tautoko Mama from her perinatal journey until Pepi transitions into Kura. I will be able to...
Family Start Taupo | Mikayla
What do you do in your role? I am a Family Start Kaimahi. In my role I facilitate a voluntary, strengths based parenting programme. I visit parents/caregivers and offer support to develop their parenting knowledge, skills, and confidence by providing them with the...
Thank You
We will be in touch soon
we are here to help
If you do not hear from us in a suitable time frame please contact us via one of the phone numbers below
Thank You

Turangi Office
28 Te Rangitautahanga Road,
PO Box 326,
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday
Awhi House
4 Hingaia Street,
9.00am – 3.00pm
Monday to Friday