Current Updates
“To improve the health of all who reside in the rohe of Ngati Tuwharetoa” Contact UsOur ServicesTHCT Administrator
What do you do in your role? My mahi supports the Operations Team. My role includes coordinating the THCT contracts and the contract process for Kaimahi. I also take Board and EMT minutes, quality policy recording; vehicle running sheets and reconciliation, and...
Pou Herenga
What do you do in your role? This role in the organisation enables me to guide the transfer and application of universal values that are nurtured on home-ground. It is the same for all staff with Tuwharetoa Health, every member comes with their own personal values...
Whanau Engagement Coordinator
What do you do in your role? I awhi the manager of the whanau engagement team to ensure that our services are delivered as effectively as possible. This involves effective communications and establishing good relationships with partners, Tuwharetoa Health teams and...
Child Health Practitioner
What do you do in your role? My role focuses on service delivery of the well child Tamariki ora service in Turangi, and extends to Taupo one day a week. This involves assessing and supporting the growth and development of babies from 4 weeks old until 2 to 3 years as...
Home Based Support Service Coordinator
What do you do in your role? I coordinate our HBSS Support Team, complete enrolments/reviews, ensuring our whanau receive support that meets their needs. What do you like about your role? I love being part of a team that enables our pakeke to remain living safely and...
IT Support analyst
What do you do in your role? This role requires me to ensure that IT systems are functioning efficiently from day to day - this includes the server, the network, hardware, software, and security. I also provide in-house training for the Microsoft package software and...
Executive Assistant to the CEO
What do you do in your role? In my role I support the CEO with her responsibilities. This includes managing her diary and emails, providing assistance with HR duties and helping with any other day to day tasks as they arise. I work closely with the operations team,...
CEO | Kaiwhakahaere Matua
What do you do in your role?My role as Kaiwhakahaere Matua, or CEO, is to lead an organisation made up of people who’ve come together to make an impact. My duties can be far-reaching and extensive, from deciding on a strategic direction for the organisation to...
Chief Operating Officer
What do you do in your role? I lead Tuwharetoa Health’s quality and risk management activities, ensuring Tuwharetoa Health delivers services in a way that meets the requirements of our contracts and New Zealand’s health sector standards. This includes policies, forms,...
Whanau Engagement Manager
What do you do in your role? My role is to tautoko our kaimahi and the service delivery of mahi provided for our whanau within the community. What do you like about your role? I love supporting kaimahi, our team and Tuwharetoa Health so we are able to meet the...
Thank You
We will be in touch soon
we are here to help
If you do not hear from us in a suitable time frame please contact us via one of the phone numbers below
Thank You
Turangi Office
Community Health Centre,
28 Te Rangitautahanga Road,
PO Box 326,
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday
Awhi House
9.00am – 3.00pm
Monday to Friday